Results for 'Balázs M. Mezei'

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  1.  82
    Divine Revelation and Human Person.Balázs M. Mezei - 2006 - Philosophy and Theology 18 (2):337-354.
    Divine revelation as a subject matter cannot be properly considered in the framework of theology, as theology already presupposes revelation. In order to conceive revelation in a non-theological way, we need a philosophical approach. Thus we can recognize the need for a renewed understanding of revelation as God’s self-revelation. In this paper I argue for the understanding of God’s self-revelation as radical revelation, which is opposed to partial understandings ofrevelation, such as the propositional one. A given notion of divine revelation (...)
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  2. Platonic and Husserlian Intentionality.Balazs M. Mezei - 2003 - Recherches Husserliennes 20:93-114.
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    Anton Günther’s critique of pantheism as introduction to his philosophy of revelation.Balázs M. Mezei - 2024 - Intellectual History Review 34 (1):185-202.
    The ingenious thought of Anton Günther (1783–1863) is rarely mentioned in the annals of nineteenth-century philosophy. However, in the eyes of his contemporaries, Günther belonged to the key thinkers of his age on par with Kant, Fichte, Hegel, and Schelling. Günther was an original writer yet he left many of his insights undeveloped or ambiguously formulated. As a flamboyant and popular debater, he attacked the most influential philosophers of his time. His attacks were aimed especially at what he termed the (...)
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  4. Phenomenology as Philosophy of Revelation.Balázs M. Mezei - 2022 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 14 (3):139-166.
    In this article I offer an interpretation of the fundamental problem of phenomenology in terms of a philosophy of revelation proposing in this way the renewal of the last important development of Western philosophy both in terms of its metaphysical aspiration and scientific relevance. After the general introduction, I outline the philosophical problem of revelation. I show how this philosophy influenced early phenomenology. I explain the underlying subject matter in the history of phenomenology, i.e. the notion of disclosure. I also (...)
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    Religion and revelation after Auschwitz.Balázs M. Mezei - 2013 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    Religion After Auschwitz is a philosophical approach to the notion of revelation. Following such authors as A. Dulles, R. Swinburne, or K. Ward, Balazs Mezei investigates some of the main problems of revelation and connects them to the general problem of religion today. Religion is considered in the perspective of the age "after Auschwitz", an expression coined by Hans Jonas and further elaborated by J. B. Metz. Mezei develops the insights of these philosophers and investigates various aspects of (...)
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    Brentano and Husserl on the History of Philosophy.Balazs M. Mezei - 1998 - Brentano Studien 8:81-94.
    A particular subject-matter in Franz Brentano's philosophy is his approach to the history of philosophy. I shall consider the evolution of his concept of the history of philosophy, the sources of this concept, and, finally, its relationship to Edmund Husserl's understanding of the history of philosophy. Brentano's scheme of the four phases of the history of philosophy can serve as a principle of evaluation of what comes after Brentano's era in the history of philosophy.
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  7. The life-World and the human body as problems in the philosophy of religion.Balazs M. Mezei - 2000 - Recherches Husserliennes 14:27-48.
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    "Fides et ratio" im Kontext: theologische und philosophische Annaherungen.Anna Jani & Balázs M. Mezei (eds.) - 2020 - Nordhausen: Verlag Traugott Bautz.
    Im Allgemeinen widmet sich das vorliegende Buch dem gemeinsamen Problembereich der zeitgenössischen Theologie und Philosophie, aber den konkreten Anlass der hiesigen Beiträgen geben jedoch die Parallelität in der Erscheinung der Enzyklika Fides et Ratio vom Papst Hl. Johannes Paulus II., und die Heiligsprechung Edith Steins (Mitpatronin Europas) von demselben heiligen Papst. Die Autoren des Bandes reflektieren sich auf die Gemeinsamkeit des Denkens dieser zwei Heiligen des 20. Jahrhunderts, auf ihre philosophischen Engagements in der christlichen Philosophie, sowie auf die heutigen Möglichkeiten (...)
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  9. The Four Phases of Philosophy.Franz Brentano, Balazs M. Mezei & Barry Smith - 1994 - Rodopi.
    Introduction and translation of “The Four Phases of Philosophy” by Franz Brentano.
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  10. Divine Revelation as the Source of Dialogue Among Religious Forms.M. Balázs Mezei - 2023 - Religious dialogue and cooperation 4 (4):135-150.
    Divine Revelation is rarely considered in its all-embracing importance. We findmore often particularistic interpretations defined by certain traditions, confessions, andtheoretical schools rooted in a certain historical period. Such approaches are valuablecontributions as they offer a possible way to understand the world in a more-than-trivialfashion. Philosophical and theological developments based on particularistic traditionsare also helpful because they show the power of genuine inspiration. Nevertheless, theproblem of divine revelation cannot be confined to a particular tradition. The concept ofrevelation suggests that revelation as (...)
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  11. Balázs M. Mezei and Barry Smith, The Four Phases of Philosophy. [REVIEW]Wolfgang Huemer - 2000 - Philosophy in Review 20 (3):206-209.
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    Radical Revelation: A Philosophical Approach. By Balázs M.Mezei. Pp. xxvi, 362, London, Bloomsbury T&T Clark, 2017, £110.00/$148.00. [REVIEW]Peter Andras Varga - 2020 - Heythrop Journal 61 (4):710-713.
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    Balazs on ChinaChinese Civilization and Bureaucracy.Conrad Schirokauer, Etienne Balazs, H. M. Wright & Arthur F. Wright - 1965 - Journal of the History of Ideas 26 (4):593.
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    The Four Phases of Philosophy.Balász M. Mezei (ed.) - 1998 - BRILL.
    Brentano's Four Phases of Philosophy, first published in 1895 and here translated into English for the first time, presents a dramatic account of the history of philosophy in terms of a succession of cycles of renewal and decline. Phases of renewal are associated with the rediscovery of science, of empiricism, of rigour and clarity. Phases of decline are associated with competing schools and sects, with mysticism and obfuscation, and with relativisms and idealisms of various sorts. Each final phase of decline, (...)
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  15. Lázadás a modernitás ellen: tanulmányok, beszélgetések, dokumentumok Molnár Tamásról.Balázs M. Mezei - 2015 - Budapest: Kairosz.
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  16. „Kryzys uniwersytetu. O roli katolickich instytucji kształcenia wyższego.”.B. M. Mezei - 2009 - Ethos(misc.) 85.
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    Chinese Civilization and Bureacracy; Variations on a Theme.E. H. S., Etienne Balazs, H. M. Wright & Arthur F. Wright - 1964 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 84 (4):489.
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  18. Dettmann, CP, 641.J. T. Devreese, R. Aurich, N. L. Balazs, M. Barth, J. D. Bekenstein, R. M. Benito, K. F. Berggren, N. Berglund, M. Berry & R. Blümel - 2001 - Foundations of Physics 31 (12).
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    Das Wagnis, ein Mensch zu sein: Geschichte - Natur - Religion.Paul Richard Blum - 2010 - Lit Verlag.
    "Die eigentliche Optik Paul Richard Blums sollte man akkurat als holistisch bezeichnen. Es handelt sich um ein verborgenes Streben nach Ganzheitlichkeit, das diesem Buch eine methodologische Einheit gibt. ... Ein Mensch zu sein nach dem Zeitalter der Renaissance und Moderne ... bedeutet die Aufgabe, sich in einer strukturellen und inhaltlichen Offenheit zu situieren, die die verschiedenen Antworten auf die Frage: Was heißt es, ein Mensch zu sein? in der paradoxen Einheit eines neuen Humanismus zusammenbringt. ... Genau wie die Philosophie des (...)
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    Hermeneutika és demokrácia: tanulmányok Fehér M. István tiszteletére.M. István Fehér & Miklós Nyírő (eds.) - 2017 - Budapest: MTA-ELTE Hermeneutika Kutatócsoport.
  21.  8
    Vāqiʻʹgarāyī dar ʻulūm-i insānī-i Islāmī =.Ibrāhīm Dādjū - 2020 - Tihrān: Sāzmān-i Intishārāt-i Pizhūhishgāh-i Farhang va Andīshah-i Islāmī.
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  22. Aktualʹnye problemy filosofskoĭ nauki.M. A. Abdullaev - 1999 - Makhachkala: [S.N.].
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    Kant and Ghazali: the idea of universality of ethical norms.M. Amin Abdullah - 2000 - Frankfurt: Landeck.
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    The multiple obstacles to encephalization.M. Maurice Abitbol - 1990 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 13 (2):344-345.
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    A Demographic Analysis of Consumer Environmental Attitudes about Liquefied Petroleum Gas in Brazil.M. Abreu & J. Lins - 2010 - Electronic Journal of Business Ethics and Organization Studies 15 (2):6-14.
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  26. Dogmy i poisk: sto let diskussiĭ o dialektike v angliĭskoĭ filosofii.M. A. Abramov - 1994 - Moskva: Rossiĭskai︠a︡ akademii︠a︡ nauk, In-t filosofii.
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    Power relation between tarekat qadiriyah wa naqsyabandiyah (tarekat cukir) and partai persatuan pembangunan (ppp) in jombang, east java.M. Thohar Al Abza, Kamsi Kamsi Kamsi & Nawari Ismail - 2020 - Epistemé: Jurnal Pengembangan Ilmu Keislaman 14 (2):285-306.
    Tarekat teaches its followers not to glorify conglomerates, to keep their distance from leader, and to live in a way of zuhud, including in the matters of politics. But the Tarekat Qadiriyah wa Naqsyabandiyah in Cukir Jombang was actually involved in practical politics as a supporter of Partai Persatuan Pembangunan. This paper, which was written in the form of ethnographic design according to the concept of the power relations of Foucault to find new perspectives about the actions of Tarekat communities (...)
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  28. La reforma en los orígenes de la modernidad.Mª del Rosario Acosta - 2004 - Ideas Y Valores 53 (124):3-34.
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  29. The Capitalist Revolution.M. ADLER - 1957
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  30.  11
    Ėmpiricheskai︠a︡ ėstetika--informat︠s︡ionnyĭ podkhod: materialy mezhdunarodnogo nauchnogo simpoziuma = Empirical aesthetics--informational approach: proceedi[n]gs of the interanational symposium.M. N. Afasizhev & V. M. Petrov (eds.) - 1997 - Taganrog: Taganrogskiĭ gos. radiotekhn. universitet.
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  31. Ėstetika Kanta.M. N. Afasizhev - 1975 - Moskva: Nauka.
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  32. Kritika burzhuaznykh kont︠s︡ept︠s︡iĭ khudozhestvennogo tvorchestva.M. N. Afasizhev - 1984 - Moskva: "Vysshai︠a︡ shkola".
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  33. Economía Política y Lucha Social.M. A. AGUILAR - 1970
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    Performance assessment and analysis of DNS tunneling tools.M. Aiello, A. Merlo & G. Papaleo - 2013 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 21 (4):592-602.
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    First-order definability on finite structures.M. Ajtai - 1989 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 45 (3):211-225.
  36. Nʹiuton i filosofskie problemy fiziki XX veka.M. D. Akhundov & S. V. Illarionov (eds.) - 1991 - Moskva: Nauka.
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  37. Preryvnoe i nepreryvnoe: materialisticheskai︠a︡ dialektika.M. D. Akhundov, Mikhail Alekseevich Parni︠u︡k, V. V. Kizima & V. A. Ryzhko (eds.) - 1983 - Kiev: Nauk. dumka.
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    Genealogy as Paradigm:: The Example of Bellerophon.M. Alden - 1996 - Hermes 124 (3):257-263.
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    The Role of Telemachus in the 'Odyssey'.M. Alden - 1987 - Hermes 115 (2):129-137.
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    Kommunikativno-pragmaticheskai︠a︡ semantika: sbornik nauchnykh trudov.M. F. Alefirenko, V. P. Moskvin & R. I. Kudri︠a︡shova (eds.) - 2000 - Volgograd: "Peremena".
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  41. Taz̲kirah-yi Ḥaz̤rat Imām Gh̲azālī.Islām ul-Ḥaq - 1962
  42. Ziad swaidan, Scott J. Vitell, Gregory M. rose and Faye W. Gilbert.Paul M. Gurney & M. Humphreys - 2006 - Journal of Business Ethics 64:421-422.
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    Liberalism, Democracy, and Literary Polemics.M. Lifshit - 1968 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 7 (3):3-20.
    Sensible people advise one not to expend one's strength on polemics. And sensible people are right, of course. But look at the history of social thought: there is no peace beneath the olives, and without the flames of social thought, even the pure light of science begins to flicker.
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  44. Kevin Anderson, Lenin, Hegel and Western Marxism.M. Loewy - forthcoming - Radical Philosophy.
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  45. Human consciousness: A systems approach to the mind/brain interaction.M. L. Lonky - 2003 - Journal of Mind and Behavior 24 (1):91-118.
    The Journal of Mind and Behavior, Winter 2003, Volume 24, Number 1, Pages 91–118, ISSN 0271–0137 This paper focuses on a logical systems flow-down of a set of consciousness requirements, which together with biological quantification of human brain anatomy sets limits on the neurological network in the cerebrum in order to produce the mind. It employs data to validate inferences, or when data do not exist, proposes methods for acquiring valid evidence. Many of these systems requirements will be imposed after (...)
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  46. Epistemic Determiners.M. Lucia - 2006 - Journal of Semantics 23 (3):217-250.
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  47. Women and Literature in Britain, 1700-1800. Edited by Vivien Jones.M. Lyons - 2002 - The European Legacy 7 (3):408-408.
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    Accidental Change and Quadricausality.M. A. MacConaill - 1967 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 16:210-229.
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  49. A felon's right to vote.J. M. - 2002 - Law and Philosophy 21 (s 4-5):543-565.
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  50. Nationalists and Nomads. Essays on Francophone African Literature and Culture. By Christopher L. Miller.M. A. Majumdar - 2003 - The European Legacy 8 (6):822-822.
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